Vidyaranya was born as Madhava in Ekashilapuri - the present day Warangal. Ekashilapuri was capital city of Kakatiya Kindom that ruled the present day Telangana before Nizams took over it. There is a huge shila or stone in that city. If you stand on that Shila, you can see entire city. Thats how the city got the name Ekashilapuri. We can find this stone even today. This city also had another name - Orugallu. He is hardly known to any common person in this region.
Madhava had a younger brother named Keshava. These two brothers adorned Sringeri Sharada Peetham one after the other - the younger being first with a yoga patta of Sri Bharathi Krishna Tirtha for 47 years (1333 AD - 1380 AD). To best of my knowledge, Keshava and Madhava are the only brothers who headed a major monastery in the world in any tradition.
It was Keshava who first left home and started travelling in South India in persuit of Atma Gnanam. Keshava finally reached Sringeri where Jagadguru Sri Vidya Shankara Tirtha Mahaswamigal readily accepted him as a disciple. The Jagadguru gave him Sannyasa deeksha with ascetic name of Sri Bharathi Krishna Tirtha in 1328 AD.
Some time later, Madhava also left home in search of his younger brother and reached Sringeri. Upon reaching Sringeri, He realized that Keshava was given Sanyasa Deekha. Madhava also took Sanyasa Deeksha under Sri Vidya Shankara Tirtha and was given ascetic name of Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha in 1331 AD. It is very clear that they both were brahma chari's before they took Sannyasa deeksha. In Sringeri Guru parampara, all Jagadguru's are Brahmachari's before they took Sannyasa with an exception of Sri Sureshwaracharya. It is also very rare that two sibblings accept Sannyasa deeksha.
In 1333 AD, Sri Vidya Shankara Tirtha entered lambika yoga after installing Sri Bharathi Krishna Teertha as Head of Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri. Even though Sri Bharathi Krishna Tirtha was younger to Sri Vidyaranya, the former headed Sharada Peetham first by virtue of His seniority in accepting Sannyasa. After this, Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha went on for a Desha Sanchara - visiting holy places in India.
When Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha was meditating in Matanga Hills, two Kshatriya brothers - Harihara and Bukka approached Him. They were forcibly converted to Islam by Mohummad-bin-Tuglaq. Vidyaranya blessed them and converted them back to Hinduism. He guided them to build a new Hindu Empire to rule South India. This city was initially named as Vidyanagara in respect of Sri Vidyashankara Tirtha. Later on it became popular as Vijaya Nagara. The city is in the form of a Sri Chakra with Virupaksha temple at it's center. Since then, Sringeri Jagadguru's are called as "Karnataka Simhasana Pratishtapanacharya" .
Vidyaranya was Royal Guru, Minister & Mentor in Vijaya Nagara Kingdom. Once there was a draught in the empire. King Harihara approached Vidyaranya. Vidyaranya told the king that he would pray Goddess Lakshmi to shower gold in the kingdom. The king collected the gold that fell in his fort. What ever gold that fell in citizen's houses / farms was taken by the citizens. He worshipped Mahalaksmi using Kanakadhara Sthavam of Shankaracharya. In past 1400 years, there was a rain of gold only twice in India - first as requested by Adi Shankara & second being this incident of Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha.

He has given us the biography of Adi Shankara - Madhaviya Shankara Vijayam. There are many Shankara Vijayam's available to us in the literature. But most widely accepted biograpgy is Madhaviya Shankara Vijayam. Sarva Siddantha Sangraha compares Adwaitha philosophy with 16 other major schools of thought like Charvaka, Jaina & Bhauddha etc. It is not at all a criticism of those traditions.
Madhwa's argue that Vidyaranya was defeated in a debate with Akhyobhya Tirtha. I feel that it is a baseless statement. Vidyaranya was busy with establishing a Hindu Empire in South India. He had written 1800 vedantic works. I dont think that He would waste time in useless discussions. Added to this, Madhwa's say that Sri Vedanta Deshika, a Sri Vaishnava follower of Sri Ramanujacharya, was the Judge for this debate. The cooked up story mentions that the debate was on Mahavakya "Tatwamasi". Already Sri Ramanujacharya has written in favour of "Tatwamasi". I dont really think an ideal disciple would give his verdict againt His Guru's words. This story is completely a fake story. Vidyamanya Tirtha of Palimar Mutt, Udupi has been doing some thing similar in the recent past and declaring himself that he won against Jagadguru's of Sringeri. It is better if we dont spend much time on this topic.
During His time, many branches of Sringeri Mutt were established. They are Kudli Mutt, Virupakha Peetham in Hampi, Bandigade Mutt & Tirtha Mattur Mutt . Hariharapura - a small village near Sringeri is the agraharadonated by King Harihara. Hariharapura Mutt was established during the time of Sri Sureshwaracharya - the first Jagadguru of Sringeri. Vidya Shankara temple was constucted under his guidance.
Vidyaranya was a constructive force in the times he lived. He inculcated unity among the citizens of the region. Now a days, we find lot of self declared Swamiji's. They are more interested in money making business than real welfare of their visitors. The modern day self declared guru's have are interested to travel to Western countries & donations than spending time in Dhyana / Meditation. Vidyaranya was an ideal Guru. Even though He mentored Harihara & Bukka to establish a Kingdom that spanned whole South India, He never lived a luxurious life in Palaces. He lead 100% monastic life as prescribed by Vedas. Even though there was a rain of golden coins in Vijaya Nagara, He never touched a single gold coin. He is a role model for all of the present day Sannyasi's.
The vision of Sri Vidyaranya lead to preserving of Sanatana Dharma in South India. Other foriegn religions could not penetrate beyond Vindhya Mountains as they did in North India. This vision clearly lacks in present day selfish politicians. Vidyaranya's vision helped the integrity and soverignity of the region. He preserved the native's regions rich culture and tradition. The present day politics are divisive. Politicians do not possess even 1% of the vision of Vidyaranya. The politicians divide the people based on many factors for their personal benifits. Neither the rulers nor the ruled show any interest in preserving our rich Indian culture and tradition.
The democratic Governments of Karntaka & Andhra Pradesh are showing little interest in recognising Vidyaranya. As I mentioned in the beginning, people of Warangal & Telangana region hardly know Him. The hereditary democratic poloiticians encroach hundreds of acres of land in the name of trusts and memorials. But there is no memorial for Vidyaranya so far in Telangana region.
Vidyaranya is role model for all of us - youth, students, writers, rulers, administartors, vedantic scholars and Sannyasi's. He had been through all these phases in his life of 90+ years. Sri Vidya Shankara - Bharathi Krishna Tirtha - Vidyaranya period marks the rise of Sringeri Sharada Peetham and Sanatana Dharma in particular in South India.
Homage to this serene Vidyaranya, Who holds aloft the torch of discrimination, Knowledge of the Real form unreal and helps the devoted across the sea of birth!!
4. A talk on Vidyaranya in Bhakti TV by Brahmasri Mudigonda Shankara Sharma on April 11, 2009
Hi, This is very amazing script written on Great sathguru of Hinduism..\Thank you so much for such a great explanation of Guru Vidyaranya swami.
ReplyDeleteSunil, Anantapur, Andra Pradesh.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLa Na SwamyApril 2, 2014 at 1:05 AM
DeleteCongratulations to you for such a good write up. In all probability those who have not worked on the development and nation building activity they can not understand the sprite behind the work of Vidranaya. Great Job Keep it up.
La Na swamy
ReplyDeleteDear Readers,
I have an objection here for only one thing in this whole article, that Sri Vidyaranya ru did get defeated by Sri Akshobhya thirtha ru ( A Madhwa Philosopher and Peetadipathi) coz there are so many proofs and documents which gives a complete picture, what has happed... Advaita scholars conceded defeat to Madhwacharya so also the famous Vidyaranya lost to Akshobhyathirtha who was fourth from Madhwacharya. Since he was an admirer of knowledge (vidyapakshapati) he erected a pillar in memory of the victory (jayastambha) near Mulbagal town of Kolar district, Karnataka where the argument was held. Similarly Appayyadikshita lost to Vijayeendrathitha , Ananthakrishnashastri lost to Sathyadhyana thirtha and still recently Karapatriswamy lost to Vidyamanyathirtha.
Not only tat infact vidyaranya met with Sri math Jaya thirtha ru ( Shishya of Sri Akshobhya thirtha ru ) Jaya thirth ru is know for his scholarly works ( Teeka granthas to all the Bhashya Granthas of Sri Math Aacharya Madhwa ru) n vidyaranya got shocked for after seeing him and his granthas so he did complete surrender to his scholarship. pls go thru the link http://www.sumadhwaseva.com/yatigalu/others/jayatheertharu/digvijaya-of-vidyaranya/
The pontiff who heads both Bhandarakeri and Palimaru mutts in Udupi - Vidyamanya Tirtha, has frequently tried to drag Sri Mahasannidhanam to a debate unsuccessfully. He would organize mock debates in his mutt. The person speaking for Advaita would be one of his own young disciples. A lot of noise would be generated and the audience would stare at the drama without following a single word. When they were tired, the Swamiji would get up and declare Advaita as falsehood. He would then declare that Shankaracharya has now surrendered to Madhwacharya! During some lectures, he would describe Advaita as follows: 'The Parabrahman of the Advaitins is without a form and qualities. He has no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs or hands. He is thus lame, blind, deaf, dumb and nothing. The atheists are much better than these Advaitins'. A certain elderly friend of mine who had attended one such lecture returned with grief after understanding the level of his knowledge.
DeleteWhen any pontiff from any mutt decides to visit Sringeri, first a Srimukham is sent officially. A Poorna Kumbha Swagata is given to the visiting pontiff at the Sringeri mutt. Without following this Shishtachara, Vidyamanya Tirtha barged into Sringeri one fine day. He entered Nrisimhavanam, produced a list of questions and demanded answers for these questions. It was as though it was legal notice to Sri Mahasannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam welcomed him warmly and said, 'It is not our Samskara to debate rudely with our guests. Any pundit in our mutt can answer all your questions and more. It is simply not necessary that I begin a debate with you. The rules of a traditional debate necessitate the presence of an able judge who is currently not present in our case. You tell me who is the judge to our debate? There is no use for humanity in these futile debates which only serve to boost one's ego. I will not stoop to these levels but you may get all clarifications to your questions from any student of our Veda Pathashala. Unable to drag Mahasannidhanam into a controversy, the pontiff returned to his place and brought out a news letter, 'Dwaita Vijaya'. He falsely claimed in this news letter that he had defeated the Jagadguru Shankaracharya and hence Advaita in a debate. The same pontiff opposed the establishment of Sri Shankara Sanskrit University at Kaladi by the central government of India. In spite of severe opposition by this pontiff and other Udupi pontiffs, Sri Shankara University was established and this esteemed institution continues to spread knowledge to this day.
madhvacharya is incarnation of vayu his name is mentioned in balitha sukta, vaman purana,vayu purana, hanuma bheema madhva, three incarnations of vayu madhvacharya followers achieved many things purandara das is father of carnatic music he follower of madhvacharya, ragavendra swami south indian famous saint he also follower of madhvacharya purandara dasa is father of carnatic music vijaya dasa jagantha dasapurandara dasa all are sangitha vidwans and all are follower of madhvacharya madhvacharya name is mentioned in vayu purana go and read that purana so dont bark with half knowledge who cares hindu we are first vaishnavas then only we are hindu so shut up
Deletemadhvacharya is incarnation of vayu his name is mentioned in balitha sukta, vaman purana,vayu purana, hanuma bheema madhva, three incarnations of vayu madhvacharya followers achieved many things purandara das is father of carnatic music he follower of madhvacharya, ragavendra swami south indian famous saint he also follower of madhvacharya purandara dasa is father of carnatic music vijaya dasa jagantha dasapurandara dasa all are sangitha vidwans and all are follower of madhvacharya madhvacharya name is mentioned in vayu purana go and read that purana so dont bark with half knowledge who cares hindu we are first vaishnavas then only we are hindu so shut up
ReplyDeleteIs there any one who can claim that the debate between Sri Math Akshobhya thirtha ru n Sri Vidyaranya ru ? no doubt it took place and there is "vijasthamba" in proof of that near mulbagilu karnataka. V should not take tat personally, try to take it sportively coz those days though they scholars debating with full zeal they could able to maintain friendly relationship with one another , u know tats the beauty of our vedik culture. Merely debating is not a personal fight but search of truth, Its the way to achieve solvation (Moksha)
The pontiff who heads both Bhandarakeri and Palimaru mutts in Udupi - Vidyamanya Tirtha, has frequently tried to drag Sri Mahasannidhanam to a debate unsuccessfully. He would organize mock debates in his mutt. The person speaking for Advaita would be one of his own young disciples. A lot of noise would be generated and the audience would stare at the drama without following a single word. When they were tired, the Swamiji would get up and declare Advaita as falsehood. He would then declare that Shankaracharya has now surrendered to Madhwacharya! During some lectures, he would describe Advaita as follows: 'The Parabrahman of the Advaitins is without a form and qualities. He has no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs or hands. He is thus lame, blind, deaf, dumb and nothing. The atheists are much better than these Advaitins'. A certain elderly friend of mine who had attended one such lecture returned with grief after understanding the level of his knowledge.
DeleteWhen any pontiff from any mutt decides to visit Sringeri, first a Srimukham is sent officially. A Poorna Kumbha Swagata is given to the visiting pontiff at the Sringeri mutt. Without following this Shishtachara, Vidyamanya Tirtha barged into Sringeri one fine day. He entered Nrisimhavanam, produced a list of questions and demanded answers for these questions. It was as though it was legal notice to Sri Mahasannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam welcomed him warmly and said, 'It is not our Samskara to debate rudely with our guests. Any pundit in our mutt can answer all your questions and more. It is simply not necessary that I begin a debate with you. The rules of a traditional debate necessitate the presence of an able judge who is currently not present in our case. You tell me who is the judge to our debate? There is no use for humanity in these futile debates which only serve to boost one's ego. I will not stoop to these levels but you may get all clarifications to your questions from any student of our Veda Pathashala. Unable to drag Mahasannidhanam into a controversy, the pontiff returned to his place and brought out a news letter, 'Dwaita Vijaya'. He falsely claimed in this news letter that he had defeated the Jagadguru Shankaracharya and hence Advaita in a debate. The same pontiff opposed the establishment of Sri Shankara Sanskrit University at Kaladi by the central government of India. In spite of severe opposition by this pontiff and other Udupi pontiffs, Sri Shankara University was established and this esteemed institution continues to spread knowledge to this day.
stop sending same message boring
DeleteHare Sarvottama Vayu Jeevottama,I am completely agreeing with kashyapji,in support kindly check out the below link..
One more thing for the people who says that there are not tartmaya then please can you tell all us that don't you find the difference between A Diamond, stone and Shaligram. Sir and madam please open up your eyes and look around you would be amazed to see and feel the tartamya is present every were even in your office in terms of boss ,a manager and watchman.Even in your hand as" NO FINGERS ARE SAME WITH SIZE ,SHAPE OR WORK THEY DO FOR US " AND just with the difference in knowledge, money or smartness it may be anything .
Think about it.
Hare Sarvottama Vayu Jeevottama,I am completely agreeing with kashyapji,in support kindly check out the below link..
One more thing for the people who says that there are not tartmaya then please can you tell all us that don't you find the difference between A Diamond, stone and Shaligram. Sir and madam please open up your eyes and look around you would be amazed to see and feel the tartamya is present every were even in your office in terms of boss ,a manager and watchman.Even in your hand as" NO FINGERS ARE SAME WITH SIZE ,SHAPE OR WORK THEY DO FOR US " AND just with the difference in knowledge, money or smartness it may be anything .
Think about it.
Hare Sarvottama Vayu Jeevottama,I am completely agreeing with kashyapji,in support kindly check out the below link..
One more thing for the people who says that there are not tartmaya then please can you tell all us that don't you find the difference between A Diamond, stone and Shaligram. Sir and madam please open up your eyes and look around you would be amazed to see and feel the tartamya is present every were even in your office in terms of boss ,a manager and watchman.Even in your hand as" NO FINGERS ARE SAME WITH SIZE ,SHAPE OR WORK THEY DO FOR US " AND just with the difference in knowledge, money or smartness it may be anything .
Think about it.
Sharade Pahimaam Shankara Rakshamaam
Delete"Jagan Mithya" ...You are talking about the real world objects sir.
And in the office example ....It's Loukika sir. Adhyatma is different from loukika..
Please note JAGAN MITHYA!!
ReplyDeleteMadhwa scholar hv never ever lost the debate with any of the schools in Indian history for tat matter, Even today our Scholars are ready to have friendly debate with any school of thoughts. Tats the beauty of Dwaitha Hari sarvothama Vayu jeevothama Hare shrinivasa.
Hi Madhwa moorkha shikhamani,
ReplyDeletePlease read this ,
Aham Brahmasmi
Hello Adwaita Koopa Mandooka
DeletePlease elaborate on your meaning of "Aham Brahmasmi" !!
Dwaithigale mathu Adwaitigale,
DeleteYava vishayavannu kuritu idu jagala aduva vedike alla. Vidyaranyaru mahatmaru. Avarindale navu indu kooda dwaita matthu adwaita antha charche nadisokke agtirodu annodu maribedi. Nanu vishistadwaiti, adre ella matagalannu gouravisuttene.
Illi kacchadabedi. Nimma margada moolaka nimma mokshada dari nodi.
Adwaitigalu Shankarara tatwagalannu palisi, Dwaitigalu Madhwara tatwagalanna palisi. Kadege seruva guri onde.
Hari Om
DeleteThe person above said is right. Please follow your path which is brought down to you in your family. Don't fight on these matters. Move forward towards moksha.This is my request in you.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAkshobhya teertharu expired in 1365. Vidyaranya became Shringeri peethadhipati in 1380. Notes on Vedas took place between 1360-1380. Before 1360, Vidyaranyara was in Kashi. Before this Akshobhya teertharu was not mathadheesha at all. So, the said debate, vijaya stambha, vidyaranyas defeat, Akshobhya vijaya etc., all are cock & bull stories created by Madhwas.Jayateertharu defeated Vidyaranyaru is another story. Another version say that Madhavteerth defeated Vidyaranya!!. So, Vidyaranyaru has got n other works except defeated by Madhwas? I conclude that Vidyaranyaru never defeated by any of Madhwas so called scholers. If at all he is defeated, he would have accepted Dwaita.It never happened.
Hello Pavan kulkarni,
DeleteI can understand ur feelings..but facts remains as facts only...no matter how many times u scream...Madhwacharya’s date although debated, is clearly established by his own
work TITHINIRNAYA which is a text on Jyotisha. He has mentioned how many
days in Kaliyuga had elapsed when wrote this text. This corresponds to 14-4-
1309. Hence Akshobhyathirtha’s date can be easily fixed. Vidyaranya
happened to be Rajaguru of Hakka and Bukka whose date is well recorded in
Indian history. For your information, Vijayanagara Samrajya was established
in 1336. Hakka and Bukka reigned during 1336-1377. Vidyaranya was the 12th
Peetadhipathy of Sringerimutt during 1380-1386. Akshobhyathirtha reigned
Vedantasamrajya during 1350-1365. He was fourth from Madhwacharya who
left this earth in 1317. Where is any problem for the two having discussions?
These dates also support the fact that Vidyaranya celebrated Jayathitha’s
procession on a royal elephant being immensely pleased with his knowledge
and intellect.
A protected monument is an evidence which cannot be denied so easily.
It is not strange on the part of an Advaitin to deny evidences when he is denying the
visible world itself.
Thank u
Hari sarvothama Vayu jeevothama, Hare Srinivasa...
Hello Pradeep,
Deleteread "Akshobhya Vijaya Vibhrama" By Shri G.R.Patil of Dharwad. He wrote one more book "Aakshepa niraasa" to clear all the doubts u have rised. To this One swamiji of Kudali math'Shree Raghuvijaya teerth" wrote "Akshobhya Vijaya Vaibhav" To this G.R. Patil published a book"Vidyaranya Vijaya Dundhubhi" in reply to that. Kindly go through these. Try to answer at least one question appeared in these books.
Madhwacharya took Janma in the year 1199 according to his own version.You are giving the date as 14-04-1309?
Ok if this is accepted,
1309 to 1389 Madvacharya was in peetha.
1389-1396 Padmanaabh teerth was peetha
1396-1405 Narahari teertha sat on peetha
1405-1422 Maadhava teertha
1422-1437 Akshobhya teerth..ok?
Ask some Madhva pandith who accept these dates U will come to know What is the fact. Only one sentence in your answer is correct.. i.e. Fact is fact.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAll Madhwas who could not see the growth of Advaita philosophy Propounded by Shankaracharya and Vidyaranya have cooked up the stories behind Vidyaranya guru and are trying to divide hindus with such statements.
DeleteThere are no evidences Mr Kashyap. All are falsified evidences. Even today i.e. after 800 long years Madhwa philosophy is not as properly established as Shankaracharya Philosophy in India. 90% Madhwa followers are there only in Karnataka and that is because Madhwacharya was born in Karnataka (Pajaka). Shankaracharya peetha is very well established even though Shankaracharya lived only for 32 years. Thats a great achievement. He tried to unite each and everyone. But Madhwacharya philosophy and many Madhwas have just tried to divide the society with their taratamya in everything.
And Mr Kashyap, How is denying visible world. Your or any Madhwas understanding is wrong in this. There is no exceptional work from Madhwacharya in this. Madhwacharya has just stressed more on vyavaharika jagat saying jagat satya. Shankaracharya works are more on Brahma satyam jagat mithya. When one attains the state of Brahmasatyam jagat start becoming mithya. Shankara has stated that Jagat is Vyavaharika satya. There is no big contribution by Madhwacharya but he has just conceptualized it in a different way. That's it. Ultimately Madhwacharya should consider Shankaracharya and his lineage as his guru which gave him a base to construct his tatva on Vedas.
This kind of statements will just divide the hindu society.
The pontiff who heads both Bhandarakeri and Palimaru mutts in Udupi - Vidyamanya Tirtha, has frequently tried to drag Sri Mahasannidhanam to a debate unsuccessfully. He would organize mock debates in his mutt. The person speaking for Advaita would be one of his own young disciples. A lot of noise would be generated and the audience would stare at the drama without following a single word. When they were tired, the Swamiji would get up and declare Advaita as falsehood. He would then declare that Shankaracharya has now surrendered to Madhwacharya! During some lectures, he would describe Advaita as follows: 'The Parabrahman of the Advaitins is without a form and qualities. He has no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs or hands. He is thus lame, blind, deaf, dumb and nothing. The atheists are much better than these Advaitins'. A certain elderly friend of mine who had attended one such lecture returned with grief after understanding the level of his knowledge.
DeleteWhen any pontiff from any mutt decides to visit Sringeri, first a Srimukham is sent officially. A Poorna Kumbha Swagata is given to the visiting pontiff at the Sringeri mutt. Without following this Shishtachara, Vidyamanya Tirtha barged into Sringeri one fine day. He entered Nrisimhavanam, produced a list of questions and demanded answers for these questions. It was as though it was legal notice to Sri Mahasannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam welcomed him warmly and said, 'It is not our Samskara to debate rudely with our guests. Any pundit in our mutt can answer all your questions and more. It is simply not necessary that I begin a debate with you. The rules of a traditional debate necessitate the presence of an able judge who is currently not present in our case. You tell me who is the judge to our debate? There is no use for humanity in these futile debates which only serve to boost one's ego. I will not stoop to these levels but you may get all clarifications to your questions from any student of our Veda Pathashala. Unable to drag Mahasannidhanam into a controversy, the pontiff returned to his place and brought out a news letter, 'Dwaita Vijaya'. He falsely claimed in this news letter that he had defeated the Jagadguru Shankaracharya and hence Advaita in a debate. The same pontiff opposed the establishment of Sri Shankara Sanskrit University at Kaladi by the central government of India. In spite of severe opposition by this pontiff and other Udupi pontiffs, Sri Shankara University was established and this esteemed institution continues to spread knowledge to this day.
hari sarvothama,panchabheda taratmya jagat satya proud to be follower of madhvacharya
Deletehari sarvothama,panchabheda taratmya jagat satya proud to be follower of madhvacharya
DeleteThere is no need to discuss the defeat of gurus, because, for us, it is same, and is SANATANA DHARMA.
ReplyDeleteI will prove that madwa philosophy is completly false,by reading following comments u people come to know.......
ReplyDelete1) for madwas there are 5 bedas
*)jiva -jiva
*)jiswara-jada and jiva-jada
2)jiva-jiva beda:
accoring to dvaita each jiva is suguna and his prakrutika gunas are his own gunas.
1)my i am human i see another human in kama,but if i become dog in next janma,i see dog with kama.....so prakruthika guna kama is not atmans guna
2) bhudhi:
now when we are human we have high level of bhudhi,but if i become dog in next janma we have bhudhi of the level of dog,so budhi is not atmas guna
if u go on thinking like that u will come to know that ,these gunas atman got from MAYA of jagath..and is not atmans guna ....so atman is nirgua and jagath is maya............so madwas jath is truth and 5 bedas are false.......
I can really understand your poor understanding.
DeleteAtman's intrensic guna's are his own, it is effected due to the ignorance which is the outcome of his tendency to lean over worldly things such as Kama , Krodha ,Lobha , Moha , Mada , Matsara . Once atman is implanted in the cycle known as samsara , he is effected by it and forgets his true identity and his nature,his deeds.Even a dog can get over the kama which effects it , if it has realized that worldly pleasures are not permanent pleasures.Jnana is same for every one , but buddhi differs from person to person, buddhi is his understanding of the jnana which is present in front of him , note that buddhi is effected by the senses and the organs, so now one can know why dog prefers dog and why human's prefer human's for kama, this has nothing to do with the intrensic nature of the atman. For eg , Consider duryodhana, he was evil throughout his life because , it's his intrensic nature to be evil, he didn't forsake his evil path even on krishna's advice , this is intrensic nature of him. One has to realize his intrensic nature ,once he realizes his intrensic nature , even being a dog he can attain jnana, and buddhi which can be far grater than what humans can grasp.Don't argue with baseless arguments. Grasp the concept and then argue.
Srivathsa Rao,
DeleteI dont knw ur age, but i have to tell u this, i would suggest u to learn few things...
1. Please stop spearing ur maya- mantra shastra... World is real no matter u accept or not same way satva, Rajasa, and thamasa gunas are also one's own nature it will not change, jus an ex: Duryodhana couldnot learn from his mistake, he did Lord Hari and Vayu devara Dwesha ( Sri krishna and Bheema sena) how? his soul nature is thamasa guna, u can ask Can God ( Sri Hari) can change one's nature ans is yes he can since he is " Sarva vyaptha and sarva samartha " ( Omni present and omni Potent ) but he will not coz he doesnt want to change jeevi's own nature.
2. Guna means not liking a particular thing or object, but its in general sense that is even in dogs some are very ferocious, some are very friendly, that what ( Satva , Rajasa and Thamasa gunas)
I hv some questions for u
Where did u get that so called " Today's science" Text book with that u r trying to teach Madhwa sidhanta Which is by its true nature Vadika matha ( Completely based on Vedas) and as u knw Vedas are Eternal,
which does not have Dosha at all .
Therefore i suggest not to waste ur " Bhuddi" in proving Sarva Shreshta Sri mann Madhwa matha, which is not possible for any of the Vaadis ( whether Advaithis or Vishistadvaithis or even non Vedik mathas Scholars) instead use it for learning ur own advaitha first and understand -- If ur soul is Satvika then u must see some valid point in our Sidhanta and illogical and non sense points in ur Advaitha or else u r either Rajasa or Thamasa jeevi..
All Madhwas who could not see the growth of Advaita philosophy Propounded by Shankaracharya and Vidyaranya have cooked up the stories behind Vidyaranya guru and are trying to divide hindus with such statements.
DeleteThere are no evidences Mr Kashyap. All are falsified evidences. Even today i.e. after 800 long years Madhwa philosophy is not as properly established as Shankaracharya Philosophy in India. 90% Madhwa followers are there only in Karnataka and that is because Madhwacharya was born in Karnataka (Pajaka). Shankaracharya peetha is very well established even though Shankaracharya lived only for 32 years. Thats a great achievement. He tried to unite each and everyone. But Madhwacharya philosophy and many Madhwas have just tried to divide the society with their taratamya in everything.
And Mr Kashyap, How is denying visible world. Your or any Madhwas understanding is wrong in this. There is no exceptional work from Madhwacharya in this. Madhwacharya has just stressed more on vyavaharika jagat saying jagat satya. Shankaracharya works are more on Brahma satyam jagat mithya. When one attains the state of Brahmasatyam jagat start becoming mithya. Shankara has stated that Jagat is Vyavaharika satya. There is no big contribution by Madhwacharya but he has just conceptualized it in a different way. That's it. Ultimately Madhwacharya should consider Shankaracharya and his lineage as his guru which gave him a base to construct his tatva on Vedas.
This kind of statements will just divide the hindu society.
Madhwa philosophy can be easily understood. It is periodic table. No two matter is equal. Viz a viz each person and each jeeva. Differences do exist. There is no one who can control other. But the ultimate Hari can do all.one metal can become other. But can not be God, as all atoms in the element get energy from one. Apply Newton's third law. Without energy no movement. In the micro level , electron is revolving. So some one has given power to move. He or it is God. We can't be God. But can be any of the metals or jeeva in prakruti.
DeleteHow can you say that there is no difference between two jada particles. Consider two stones, now smash the first stone , will the smashing of first stone , result in smashing of second stone , this is more than enough to prove that the difference between jada exists.
ReplyDeleteDon't go on arguing with your half knowledge, when you are not even able to grasp the knowledge which is termed as "common sense"
nodi bhutharajare,madhva mathada prakaare jada-jada da naduve bhedavu "ABHEDA" (eternal),
Deletefor ex: gold is always gold& aluminiyum is always aluminiyum.......aluminiyum can't become gold and vise versa..........gold is supiriour to gold always(madhva 's melu-kilu).....
But todays science have proved gold and aluminium are not different bu ABSOLUTE....by changing atomic confguration aluminum can be made as gold.....
advaitha accepts there is difference between gold and aluminum but,it is not eternal....only vyavaharika sathya.....this beda is not abheda....
sorry,i mean gold is supiriour to aluminium( madhvas melu-kilu)
Deleteoai,bhutarajare obha,kettava prathi janmadallu kettavane?
ReplyDeletenimmaprakaara nodidhare dhuryodhana yella janmadallu kettave antha aithu........
edu olle HENGASARU NODUVA DARAVAHI tara aithu,alli obha kettavalu eruthale,obha olleyavau eruthale,aaa kettavalu aa olleyavalige kasta koduthiruthale.........
DHURYODHANANALLU kelavru ollegunagalu eruvudhannu kandu avanannu SUYODHANA antha karedharu.....edhella avaravaru noduva DRUSTI mathu advaitada AJNANAVE kaarana.....
Deleteedanne ondu katheyalli DHARMARAYA na hattira obha kettavanannu huduki tha antha helidhaga ava anthvarilla andha....adhe dhurodhanana hattira kelidhaga olleyavarilla anta andha......
Ega heli adi shankara is dharmaraya.....and madhva is "SUYODHANA" .....
AM I RIGHT bhutharajare.......reply must
As per you (advaita) , gold and aluminium are different at vyavaharika level, but ultimately it is maya .Even though aluminium can be converted to gold (and vice versa), does the converted aluminium loose its existence, it continuous to exist in other form, the original gold's existence doesn't effect the converted gold's existence, they are eternally independent.It's just claim based on theory to convert aluminium to gold, it is practically long termed or impossible. Even though you are able to define gold now(vyavaharika level), you will fail to do so at realization (ultimate level), because it becomes inexplicible or anirvachya.You say that maya in anirvachya and yet you deny its existence , by terming it as neither real nor real.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible and is done even today. The God particle experiment conducted is a great example. Everything is built with this God particle which is the base for everything.
DeleteAll dead bodies in this world till date is already mixed with air, water, soil. Can you differentiate it? Please prove it if you can differentiate.
Brahma satyam jagat mithya, Aham Brahmasmi.
There is no taratamya.
The pontiff who heads both Bhandarakeri and Palimaru mutts in Udupi - Vidyamanya Tirtha, has frequently tried to drag Sri Mahasannidhanam to a debate unsuccessfully. He would organize mock debates in his mutt. The person speaking for Advaita would be one of his own young disciples. A lot of noise would be generated and the audience would stare at the drama without following a single word. When they were tired, the Swamiji would get up and declare Advaita as falsehood. He would then declare that Shankaracharya has now surrendered to Madhwacharya! During some lectures, he would describe Advaita as follows: 'The Parabrahman of the Advaitins is without a form and qualities. He has no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs or hands. He is thus lame, blind, deaf, dumb and nothing. The atheists are much better than these Advaitins'. A certain elderly friend of mine who had attended one such lecture returned with grief after understanding the level of his knowledge.
DeleteWhen any pontiff from any mutt decides to visit Sringeri, first a Srimukham is sent officially. A Poorna Kumbha Swagata is given to the visiting pontiff at the Sringeri mutt. Without following this Shishtachara, Vidyamanya Tirtha barged into Sringeri one fine day. He entered Nrisimhavanam, produced a list of questions and demanded answers for these questions. It was as though it was legal notice to Sri Mahasannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam welcomed him warmly and said, 'It is not our Samskara to debate rudely with our guests. Any pundit in our mutt can answer all your questions and more. It is simply not necessary that I begin a debate with you. The rules of a traditional debate necessitate the presence of an able judge who is currently not present in our case. You tell me who is the judge to our debate? There is no use for humanity in these futile debates which only serve to boost one's ego. I will not stoop to these levels but you may get all clarifications to your questions from any student of our Veda Pathashala. Unable to drag Mahasannidhanam into a controversy, the pontiff returned to his place and brought out a news letter, 'Dwaita Vijaya'. He falsely claimed in this news letter that he had defeated the Jagadguru Shankaracharya and hence Advaita in a debate. The same pontiff opposed the establishment of Sri Shankara Sanskrit University at Kaladi by the central government of India. In spite of severe opposition by this pontiff and other Udupi pontiffs, Sri Shankara University was established and this esteemed institution continues to spread knowledge to this day.
Dhuryodhana was evil , he was termed so because of his ignorance in knowing krishna , (here krishna is to be treated as pure positive and duryodhana as pure negative),when compared to krishna(positiveness) , duryodhana is negative(bad). The so person you claim to be as suyodhana ,is only possible when compared to other person than krishna, if you treat krishna as the ultimate how can you consider other opinions........
ReplyDeletehagaadare madhvara prakaara jada-jada,jiva-jiva bedha sathya and it is absolute anthare.....hagaadhare adu hege vivarisi......
Deletenimma prakaara jada-jada ,jiva-jiva beda is based on its prakruthika gunas only....that prakruthika gunas are divided as rajasa,tamasa and sathvika
nimma prakaara kama,bhudhi,linga(sex) athmada guna alladidre adu atmakke hege,yellindha banthu?
advaithada prakaara adu atmakke maye endha banthu,ahare madhvarige jagath sathya agiruvaaga e gunagalu atmakke ellinda banthu?
madhvara prakaara e athmada praktuthika gunagalu athmadhe ....hagaagi e gunagale existance bagge madhvarada nive bhutharajare vivarisi.....
KONE MATHU :advaithadalli nirvishesha bedaha....athava bedisalaagada beda ella,adhare madhvara prakaara bedisallagada beda edhe adu based on prakruthika guna only....
but I have proved prakruthika gunas of atma are based on maya of jagath,so athman is nirguna and no jiva-jiva bedha ...
2) gold's prakruthika gunas can be changed to the prakruthika gunas of aluminiyum one day....
this is proof to say that jada-jada beda is not absolute....ennodhu maathu ...ondu vele jada-jada bedha edidre suryanindha belake bartha eralilla...alli hydrogen ,hiliyum aguva kaarana allidha jadavebaha mass...belakaagi thanna prakruthika gunavannu badalaayisikondu bhumige bartha untu...edhe advaitha satya annodhakke dodda sakshi....
oai,bhutharajare krishnanannu artha madikollodu andre yenu antha nimage gotta?
Deletenimmavaru advaithavannu aridhu kudididhare anta nimma kelavu gurugalu heludannu nanu kelidhene.....
hagadahre nimmalli ondhu prashne:
krishnanannu artha madikollodhu andre advaithadalli yenu anta gotta?
advaithada prakaara atmakke jgnana dharana guna athava memory ella yake andra atma nirguna....
hagiruvaaga krishnanannu artha madikollodu andre yenu? antha advaithada prakaara vivarisi...adu nimma prakaara agadidre atlist dvaitada prakaara vivarisi.....
brahma jgnanadidha moksha antare horathu...jiva jgnana dindha moksha annalla....
hagaagi nimma prakaara hege brahma jgna aguthe,adu nimma atmada prakruthika guna tilidaaga ,hege brahma jgna agutte and moksha sigutthe anta heltira bhutharahare?
Are you familiar with kali(Root for all evil),you say that he is also brahman, but we deny the oneness, evilness is his intrensic nature, it is always there in him, it is the desire of narayana to be so. If you are always tasting victory how can you know the taste of defeat, infact the bitter taste of defeat , makes you to realize and appreciate victory better then before. What is the use if everyone in the world would get to know the sarvottamatva and jeevottamatva of sri hari and vayu, in order to select special souls ,which are capable of appreciating him to their max extent, he introduces kama,krodha lobha,moha,mada,matsara, these selected soul's after being affected by these worldly pleasures realize the grateness of the lord, and they get to know him better than before, other souls dwell in the samsara thinking that worldly pleasures as their ultimate goal, ofcourse they can be changed , but it is purely based on narayana's will.
ReplyDeleteWe happily accept that prakrutika guna as real as paramatma, we do not deny its existence , there is no wrong in stating that prakrutika guna as real ,ofcourse it is not permanent but it is real, how can you accept maya's existence when it is termed as anirvachya(inexplicible object),you yourself don't know if maya is real nor unreal, but ultimately you accept its existence, how can this make sense.
The pontiff who heads both Bhandarakeri and Palimaru mutts in Udupi - Vidyamanya Tirtha, has frequently tried to drag Sri Mahasannidhanam to a debate unsuccessfully. He would organize mock debates in his mutt. The person speaking for Advaita would be one of his own young disciples. A lot of noise would be generated and the audience would stare at the drama without following a single word. When they were tired, the Swamiji would get up and declare Advaita as falsehood. He would then declare that Shankaracharya has now surrendered to Madhwacharya! During some lectures, he would describe Advaita as follows: 'The Parabrahman of the Advaitins is without a form and qualities. He has no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs or hands. He is thus lame, blind, deaf, dumb and nothing. The atheists are much better than these Advaitins'. A certain elderly friend of mine who had attended one such lecture returned with grief after understanding the level of his knowledge.
DeleteWhen any pontiff from any mutt decides to visit Sringeri, first a Srimukham is sent officially. A Poorna Kumbha Swagata is given to the visiting pontiff at the Sringeri mutt. Without following this Shishtachara, Vidyamanya Tirtha barged into Sringeri one fine day. He entered Nrisimhavanam, produced a list of questions and demanded answers for these questions. It was as though it was legal notice to Sri Mahasannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam welcomed him warmly and said, 'It is not our Samskara to debate rudely with our guests. Any pundit in our mutt can answer all your questions and more. It is simply not necessary that I begin a debate with you. The rules of a traditional debate necessitate the presence of an able judge who is currently not present in our case. You tell me who is the judge to our debate? There is no use for humanity in these futile debates which only serve to boost one's ego. I will not stoop to these levels but you may get all clarifications to your questions from any student of our Veda Pathashala. Unable to drag Mahasannidhanam into a controversy, the pontiff returned to his place and brought out a news letter, 'Dwaita Vijaya'. He falsely claimed in this news letter that he had defeated the Jagadguru Shankaracharya and hence Advaita in a debate. The same pontiff opposed the establishment of Sri Shankara Sanskrit University at Kaladi by the central government of India. In spite of severe opposition by this pontiff and other Udupi pontiffs, Sri Shankara University was established and this esteemed institution continues to spread knowledge to this day.
Even if hydrogen is converted to helium , hydrogen doesn't depend on helium's existence and vice versa, it eternally has its own independent existence.You guys equate everything other than brahman to maya, we(according to advaita)can very well define the objects around us ,such as table,computer,why is it that you cannot define maya at the ultimate level , if you can define maya at his vyavaharika level, why can't you define it at the ultimate level, You guys argue that maya is inexplicible, how did you get to know the true nature of maya as inexplicible, if maya's nature is inexplicible then advaita will be in trouble as it will be the truth, you cannot escape here, you must accept maya's nature as inexplicible, if not, you must consider maya as maya itself, and again this maya as another maya, and there will be infinite cycles of maya,which again will be maya and so on.You argue that the true nature of maya is inexplicible , this inexpliciblity cannot be known at this vyavaharika level,as everything you see, percive,hear,read ,will be maya,you must accept that maya is inexplicible when viewed from ultimate level(nirguna level), to achive this state one has to know that everything is maya , and experience it,after this nirguna realization will one realizes the true nature of maya as inexplicible, The question is how can he realize that maya is inexplicible when he is nirguna(attributless), how can he communicate with others when he is nirguna, This nirguna brahman must have stated that maya is inexplicible, but how can he state it when has no means to communication.The fact that you agree that maya is inexplicible allows only two options.
ReplyDelete1. Either you are the so proposed nirguna brahman
2. Nirguna brahman doesn't exist.
Both the options discards advaita.
You cannot be the nirguna brahman as you have attributes , you definitely will not agree on the 2 option as you state that nirguna brahman exist's.
The pontiff who heads both Bhandarakeri and Palimaru mutts in Udupi - Vidyamanya Tirtha, has frequently tried to drag Sri Mahasannidhanam to a debate unsuccessfully. He would organize mock debates in his mutt. The person speaking for Advaita would be one of his own young disciples. A lot of noise would be generated and the audience would stare at the drama without following a single word. When they were tired, the Swamiji would get up and declare Advaita as falsehood. He would then declare that Shankaracharya has now surrendered to Madhwacharya! During some lectures, he would describe Advaita as follows: 'The Parabrahman of the Advaitins is without a form and qualities. He has no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, legs or hands. He is thus lame, blind, deaf, dumb and nothing. The atheists are much better than these Advaitins'. A certain elderly friend of mine who had attended one such lecture returned with grief after understanding the level of his knowledge.
DeleteWhen any pontiff from any mutt decides to visit Sringeri, first a Srimukham is sent officially. A Poorna Kumbha Swagata is given to the visiting pontiff at the Sringeri mutt. Without following this Shishtachara, Vidyamanya Tirtha barged into Sringeri one fine day. He entered Nrisimhavanam, produced a list of questions and demanded answers for these questions. It was as though it was legal notice to Sri Mahasannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam welcomed him warmly and said, 'It is not our Samskara to debate rudely with our guests. Any pundit in our mutt can answer all your questions and more. It is simply not necessary that I begin a debate with you. The rules of a traditional debate necessitate the presence of an able judge who is currently not present in our case. You tell me who is the judge to our debate? There is no use for humanity in these futile debates which only serve to boost one's ego. I will not stoop to these levels but you may get all clarifications to your questions from any student of our Veda Pathashala. Unable to drag Mahasannidhanam into a controversy, the pontiff returned to his place and brought out a news letter, 'Dwaita Vijaya'. He falsely claimed in this news letter that he had defeated the Jagadguru Shankaracharya and hence Advaita in a debate. The same pontiff opposed the establishment of Sri Shankara Sanskrit University at Kaladi by the central government of India. In spite of severe opposition by this pontiff and other Udupi pontiffs, Sri Shankara University was established and this esteemed institution continues to spread knowledge to this day.
You can consider two agnana's here, one is that one which viels your true nature from yourself, and another is the one which viels brahman's nature from, it is when these two agnana's disappear ,a jiva gets mukti. For first ignorance the very example is "thinking that i am brahman" it is when this agnana disappear , the jiva starts his quest to know brahman, this is completed when the agnana for eg"brahman is nirguna" disappears , the jiva will now be eligible to get mukti.
ReplyDeleteIts just a theory , which you are proposing, even though hydrogen converts to helium, hydrogen is seperate entity and does not depend on helium, no matter what you say , hydrogen is hydrogen and helium is helium,hydrogen as an element cannot have properties of helium,and vice versa.It is true for every element's, what if hydrogen gets converted to helium , will all the hydrogen in the universe get converted to helium simultaniously, Ultimately they both have seperate independent existence.If you go on proposing your theory of oneness , then it must not be difficult to alter D.N.A figments and create a new life altogether.Every mass which are discipated in the form of energy , can be bought back to its original form, having mass, this is possible if one follows your theory.Your theory is just an assumption, even though science proves that aluminium and gold are interconvertable , that doesn't apply for every field, if it is so then creating new life will be an easy task.Science happily accepts the existence of matter, it never discard's it as mearly an illusion.If one follows your theory then world will be an easy place for every one, as there will be no need to work , for filling your stomach , If stomach is filled once , it can be recycled again and again, to its original form, and will be eligible for consuming once recycled. Hope you understand.
ReplyDeletebhutharaja gurugale.....
ReplyDeletenimma vadha nanage artha aithu,e ondhu prashnege nivu uttara kodaleee beku,tamasa jivi yavattu tamasa jiviye ya?
hagaadhare ketta jivi(dhuryodhana) yavatthu kettavane?
prathi janmadallu kettavane?mokshada nantharavu kettavane?
ALLA anta adhare,rajasa,tamasa,sathvika yembaha trividha jivaru edhare yembha madhva vakya sullu anta agi,athma nirgua,e gunagalu athakke maye endha banthu antha oppabekaaguthe......
AHDARE E jagath alli aaa rithi ella.....
Srivathsa Rao,
Deletesorry to interrupt but, who said all jeevas(souls) will attain Moksha?? u must b knowing there are three types of souls , Satvik, Rajasik, and Thamasik, so The Satvik souls will attain Moksha ( Hari Bhakthas) and Thamasa souls jus opposite to that will go to permanent Hell (Anda Thamassu) and Rajasik souls will be taken again to Sristi...( samsara) in next sristi..So Duryodana is kali and full of Thamasik nature and will go anda thamassu when Present Brahma will attain Moksha ( With that all jeevis will attain according their sadane that is again based on their nature( Satva Rajas and Thamas) By the way who u called as Suyodana ( Duryodana) our Sri math Aacharya Madhwaru ?? Hmm did u knw he is avathara of Hanuma bheema and Madhwa so u must know hearing about Bheema sena only duryodana was getting Fear...in puja time we say Agamarthantu devanam gamanarthanthu Rakshsam kuruganta rava tattra devathahvana lanchanam...
nimma madhva vaadha kelidre,OBHA kettava ...tamasa jivi antha gothadare avanige tanna guna badalaagalikke kelavomme kelavaru...even GOVERNMENT chance kodudu waste athava murka tana...YAKE andre ava yavatthu change agalla......
ReplyDeleteMADHVARA vada kelidre avanige sidaha GALLU SHIKSKE KODABEKU.....EDU BAKWAS.....
REMEMBER :parivarthane jagada niyama yembaha krisha vakyavu adhe helutthe.....navu e jagath alli erodridha tamasa sathika aga bhahudu and vise versa....edhe atma nirguna e prakruthika gunagalu athmakke e jagath na maye endha banthu annodhakke saakshi...bhutharaja gurugale ....reply must...
You don't seem to understand my point clearly. As is stated earlier, paramatma introduces kama,krodha,lobha,moha,mada,matsara so that souls which are eligible to understand and appreciate him to their(souls) max extent,can be given the highest preference, and second comes the souls which regard worldly thing's are their ultimate goal , they only prefer the pleasure which are derived from worldly thing's,and third comes the souls which ,are evil from their root, their main intention is to disobey sri hari and vayu , they are the class who prefer , the worldly pleasures and see to disobey sri hari and vayu. You and i are very example for this, no matter how much i say , at the end you will definitely insist on advaita, this can be changed when you come in contact with a satvika soul, maybe then you can appreciate dvaita, and its contemporories , even coming in contact with a satvika soul is lord sri hari's desire, if it is not his desire then the problem will remain impossible.
ReplyDeleteYour basic perception of dvaita is wrong, how can you regard a soul which is tamasa in nature to get mukti, eventhough it is not impossible , it purely depends on sri hari's desire.Your serial scenario doesn't suit as an example, what's wrong if tamasa jeevi is tamasa throughout, is there any objection, one can be elevated to higher level only through sri hari's desire.The problem with tamasa jeevi is he will never know that he is evil , he just thinks that his deed's are good no matter what, if he get's the knowledge that he is a tamasa jeevi then , sri hari's grace is sure upon him, as the supreme lord intends to make him realize, the realization of the self's own nature as tamasa , is enough for him to get to greater height's.I find nothing stupid in the arguments provided above, in fact stupid is something, when you people delude brahman of his qualities and insist that brahman is nirguna , and again insisting on maya for every problem's , who's existence is nowhere to be proved .
You say that you understand my point, and yet again you ask the same question which has been stated earlier.By the sentence "nimma vadha nanage artha aithu" do you mean that you accept that advaita as false, or do you accept dvaita as the correct one.If you really have understood the concept there would be no need to post the same question's again. Please think with an open mind about your theory of advaita does it really suit you, the emptiness in advaita cannot be filled by anyone.Can you consider ,proposing your maya shastra to a person who is hardworking and toiling to fill his stomach, where does this hardwork go ultimately, it'll just be part of maya, everything you experience , enjoyment , will just be a bad dream, which ultimately cannot be described, Think it with a positive manner, does any one insist on becoming this nirguna brahman even when knowing that he is nirguna, your nirguna brahman is no better than buddhist sunya. What can one without attributes really acomplish, You guys argue that brahman is qualitiless , but be wary of his nirgunattava , the nirgunattva must surely be considered as a guna, Finally if you think with an open mind the conclusion you reach will definitely be that "advaita brahman=buddhist sunya".
ReplyDeleteThese are just friendly arguments , nothing is to be taken personally.
Hope you understand.
Bhutharajare.....ega naanu nimage NIRGUNA brahmada bagge helthne.....
Deletenimage gottira bhahudu upanishad vakhya,sathyam JGNANAM anantham brahma antha.......
brahman is the highest KNOWLEDGE A athman going to get at the end....
edanne krisha bhagavath geethe alli helthane....athmakke sikkuva katta kade JGNANA naane (krishna) antha....
ega adannu naanu explain maduthene.....
paripuna jgnana SACCHIDAANADA....ade nanna swarupa(atnmada) ...adu naane ....hagaagi nanage jgnana dharana guna ede antha hellikilla naane jgnana....
ATMADA bhaktige macchida ade athmada anthryami athma rupi parabhrahma ,adhe atmakke SACCHIDAANANDADA anubhava aguva haage maduthaane,aga athma THANE NIRGUNA BRAHMAN agiruthane....aga alli ajnanavemba maye erodhe ella...ellu jgnana ...\
edanne aadu bhase alli naavu,ATMAKKE thanu nirguna brahman ,thane krishna(SACCHIDAANANDA) ,jagath mithya antha gottaithu antha anthivi aste....
nirguna andre yava guna ella antha alla,only PRAKRUTHIKA guna ella antha aste...
sacchidaanada is absolute knowledge...AND is not prakruthika guna .It is the nirguna parabhrahman.....
edanna naavu adu bhashe alli athma ANTHARYAMI rupi,nirguna parabrahma (krisna) yembha SACCHIDAANANDA aithu anthivi aste.....
ReplyDeleteKrishana helthane upanishad goshisuva ultimate knowledge,kattakade jgnana nane (krishna) antha ....edanne navu jgnana yogadalli heltheve athmakke thane sacchidaanada atha gottaithu antha....any comment bhutharajare?
ReplyDeleteSrivathsa Rao,
Deletesorry to interrupt but, who said all jeevas(souls) will attain Moksha?? u must b knowing there are three types of souls , Satvik, Rajasik, and Thamasik, so The Satvik souls will attain Moksha ( Hari Bhakthas) and Thamasa souls jus opposite to that will go to permanent Hell (Anda Thamassu) and Rajasik souls will be taken again to Sristi...( samsara) in next sristi..So Duryodana is kali and full of Thamasik nature and will go anda thamassu when Present Brahma will attain Moksha ( With that all jeevis will attain according their sadane that is again based on their nature( Satva Rajas and Thamas) By the way who u called as Suyodana ( Duryodana) our Sri math Aacharya Madhwaru ?? Hmm did u knw he is avathara of Hanuma bheema and Madhwa so u must know hearing about Bheema sena only duryodana was getting Fear...in puja time we say Agamarthantu devanam gamanarthanthu Rakshsam kuruganta rava tattra devathahvana lanchanam...
Srivatsa Rao, nive heldahage, Krishana helthane upanishad goshisuva ultimate knowledge,kattakade jgnana nane (krishna) antha , illi nane andre Sri krishna paramatma antha thogobeko , nanu andre heluva nave ( jeevathma antha thogobeko) ok nim Advaitha da prakara Jeeva annode illa nave pramathma na bhaga annode adre Veda Upanishad , Pancharatragama, Ashta dasha purana, Ramayana Mahabharatadi Grantha galu yara gnanakke...? ondu kone question pls tell me.. Bhagavantha yaake Srushti - Samhara aadi kriye galanna madthiddane...? summane irabahudalla,,,? intha prashne galige Namma Madhwa siddhantha bittu inyava Mathakku uttarasikke sadya ne illa heli nodana ...
Deletepradeep kashyap,krishna is not different from us,krishna is same as us paripuna jgna(sacchidaanada).....
Deletenimma kade prashne,bhagavanta yaake srushti-samhara aadi kriye galanna madthiddane antha.....
adakke uttara adu bhaghavanthana LILE (LILA) aste.......
vakhya,sathyam JGNANAM anantham brahma antha.......
ReplyDeleteI need not give the exact meaning for the shloka above, as you have already stated it.
As per advaita the highest knowledge one can get , is of nirguna brahman. You must agree to this point.
Now if the ultimate knowledge is of nirguna brahman, then , krishna must be nirguna brahman.You cannot escape here, as you have accepted gunas in krishna i.e Nirguna brahman. You state that he is himself jnana. You state that he is the ultimate jnana to be acquired . If his gnana is to be acquired then he must be saguna brahman, not nirguna brahman, because no prakruthika guna's can percive nirguna brahman(it is as stated by you, that nirguna brahman means not devoid of qualities but qualities which are not prakrutika). If he is saguna brahman then the ultimate knowledge you get will be of saguna brahman. But as per the shloka you have stated krishna must be nirguna brahman. This contradicts your own theory.
2.ATMADA bhaktige macchida ade athmada anthryami athma rupi parabhrahma ,adhe atmakke SACCHIDAANANDADA anubhava aguva haage maduthaane.
This is another statement made by you. Do you consider the antaryami parabrahman as saguna or nirguna.If he is nirguna he cannot make you to experience the sacchidananda ( as you have stated that nirguna brahman is devoid of all prakrutika qualities. Even if supposed that nirguna brahman gives us the experience by using other then prakrutika qualities, jiva cannot perceive nor experience it as, jiva can only perceive and experience through prakrutika guna's).The antaryami rupa must be saguna brahman,but you say that antaryami rupa is the one which gives you the experience of paripoorna gnana and sacchidanda, but paripoorna gnana is nirguna brahman . This makes antaryami rupa nirguna brahman ,which is impossible. Further you state two entities i.e atma and antaryami atma , is it not dvaita.If one is making us experience something, he must have experienced it first, and then it is possible for him to give us the experience , if you argue that the antaryami rupa is saguna brahman , then you must also agree that he has experienced the ultimate gnana and sacchidananda, if he has experienced it then , he must be nirguna brahman.
Secondly you accept that krishna is nirguna brahman, if he is so how did he have a body , mind , how did he show his vishwa roopa to arjuna, vishwa roopa , is possessed by one who has quality. How can you consider krishna as nirguna.
You consider bhagavadgeeta to support your statement's , but in the same bhagavadgeeta is given this shloka which is as follows
"asatyam apratishtham te jagad ahur anishvaram"
The demonic people say that this world is unreal, with no foundation, no God in control.
What do you say of this.............
Hi, All Adwaitha Jokers,
ReplyDeleteIn kali yuga all brahmins are cursed by sri Durvasa rishi so was here to give complete and correct way of Moksha saadana marga, untill Sri Math Aananda thirtha Bhagavad Padacharyaru ( Sri Madhwacharyaru) comes and blessed us with pure jnana...because He is avathara of Vaayu who is free from all the ajnanas...that is y , v pray before puja -- Samastha Karma Prerakaya Sri Vayuve Namaha
Chanting the following Vayu manthra open the doors of the puja room Clap
hands three times & enter the puja room with right foot first.
Vayavayahi Dharsatha Ime Soma Aramkruthaha
Theshaam Paahi Shrudhivaham
If u want proof for the same..
The Balittha Sukta (Rg Veda I.141. 1-5), (dirghatama rsih, matarisvo devata, jagati chandah) is the sruti reference that is quoted by Shrimad Ananda Tirtha himself to show that he is the third avatara (incarnation) of Mukhya Prana, also known as Vayu. His first avatara is Hanuman, the servant of Rama, and the second, Bhimasena, the destroyer of the Kaurava army. After the advent of the Kali Yuga, when Lord Vishnu was obscured in the minds of man, and when men began to think that the world is false, has no ultimate basis in reality, and that there is no isvara (Supreme being), but the jiva (soul) itself is Brahman, the Absolute Being -- then took place the third avatara of Vayu, as Madhva, who came to Earth and established the absolute glory and greatness of Vishnu.
Shrimad Ananda Tirtha himself asserts his identity as the Madhva mentioned in the Vedas, in many instances; one of them is in the Vishnu-tattva-vinirnaya:
yasya trinyuditani vedavachane rupani divyanyalam |
bah tad darsatamitthameva nihitam devasya bhargo mahat |
vayo ramavaconayam prathamakaa prkso dvitiyam vapuh |
madhvo yattu trtiyametadamuna granthah krtah kesave ||
"The Deity whose three divine forms are spoken of in the Vedas, as one whose nature is that of great wisdom and ability, is the support of the activity of the worlds, is very worshipful (of Vishnu), and who incarnates with his full potency (with no diminution); that Vayu, in his first avatara, carried the message of Rama, destroyed a fearsome army in his second, and in the third, as Madhva, composed this work (the Vishnu-tattva-vinirnaya) as a service to Kesava."
bhutarajare,I have answer to all your questions
ReplyDelete1)sacchidananda is himself nirguna brahman....
all krishnas attribute his bhudhi etc stated by u are maya....and not his accutal attribute,his actual attribute is sacchidaanada,which is to be knowm by athman,then athman becomes sacchidaanada(god,hari)....
2)athmada bhakthige macchi yemba nanna vakhyakke nimma prashne aga antharyami suguna antha agalwa antha kelidri?
adakke nanna uttara,antharyami nirguna(sacchidanad)ne adhare avana ADINADALLI maye edhe,hagaagi nivu yavaga antharyami yannu bhakthiyinda prarthisidaaga antaryami yenu madalla,adhare nimma yemele edha MAYE yembha ajgnana ADHAGE bittu hogi,nive sacchidananda(hari ) agurhiri.,aga nive antharyami (sacchidanada) aguthiri,AGA DVAITHA (athma and athmas antharyami) yembha beda(MAYA) nashavaagi ,nive ANTHARYAMI agi ADVAITHA anubhavisuthiri....
nivu antharyami athmana prarthane madidre yake maye bittu hogutthe antha kelidre,adakke uttara,maye antharyamiya ADINADALLIDHE...aaa adhinathe hege andre adu prakruthika alla....haagaagi parabhrahma rupi athama nirguna(sacchidaanana)ne agidhane...
"" krishnas attribute his bhudhi etc stated by u are maya....and not his accutal attribute,his actual attribute is sacchidaanada,which is to be knowm by athman,then athman becomes sacchidaanada(god,hari)""
DeleteDoes maya have consciousness. Nirguna brahman cannot think, it is just nothing . It must be maya'a will to combine with nirguna brahman so that the result will be saguna brahman.
You state that maya is in control of nirguna brahman. To control maya nirguna brahman must have some attributes, you can argue by stating " since he has attributes which are far greater than prakrutika , he can control it " but my question is, did you ever come across or read about such an explicit attribute. Advaita teaches about , anirvachya objects ,unreal objects, inexplicible objects, but why didn't it teach about this explicit quality of brahman by which he controls maya.
Is it maya's will or nirguna brahman's will which results in saguna brahman.
You have accepted that the attributes of brahman are not prakrutika, if it is not prakrutika than how can you realize the nature of sacchidaanada(we cannot perceive sacchidaanada because it cannot be perceived by the attributes we currently have). We must require the attribute which is non prakrutika, to experience sacchidaanada . Can you account for this ?
You state that his attribute is sacchidaanada .
How did you come to know that his attribute is sacchidaanada, do you have some special sensory organs to perceive this sacchidaanada quality.Furthermore you have accepted an attribute in brahman , which can be expressed by prakrutika attributes.!!
You state that maya is in control of nirguna brahman. Can you account for unreality of the above statement. If you accept nirguna brahman, then the fact nirguna brahman exist's must be true and real. After the sacchidaananda experience the qualities in brahman which is non prakrutika must also be real.The experience of the non dual must again be real.After non dual experience the maya you control must also be real, its properties must also be real, its anirvachyattava must be real.The list of realities can go on forever.How can you pray nirguna brahman, to pray he must have something special , since his attributes are non prakruthika, how can you even expect that you are praying him ,and how can you visualise your god.Afterall If nirguna brahman exists , how can he react with you.If the jobs mentioned above are done by maya , then maya must be the ultimate not nirguna brahman. you argue that when one prays nirguna brahman , maya leaves him. Now, is it maya's will or nirguna brahman's will that makes maya to leave.If it is nirguna brahman's will then be wary, you are accepting that nirguna brahman has will.
If maya leaves when we pray brahman, then maya must have some relationship with brahman. What is this relation ship if it is not prakruthika. Finally you must atleast accept the relationship between brahman and maya which must ofcourse be real.If the relationship between maya and brahman is not prakruthika then how can you be able to speak, see , perceive, hear,smell. You accept that you are brahman and that it is maya which has made you to forget your true identity. [The statement clearly show's the relationship between maya and brahman]. If this world is maya , and if we are brahman then how can we define objects ,with the help of prakruthika guna's. [You have stated that the relationship is not prakruthika] .
ReplyDeleteSacchidaanada is not prakruthika guna,jest for example weather u are experiencing sacchidaanada by your secnsory organs now? it is impossible......that is why he is nirguna......
KANNADA dalli helthene,hora kanninda nodalikke sadhyave ella,adannu tilibekaadare OLAKKANNU TEREDU nodabeku,aaa kelasavannu naavu advaithadalli NIRGUNOOPAASANE ya mulaka madutheve............
At the ultimate level,when u get the knowledge of SACCIDAANADA,there will be no agnana or maya......
so,maya is avrchaneeya......
adakke helodu upanishad alli....SVAPNA MAYA KALPITHAM EDAM DVAITHAM antha....
nimage ondu vishaya helthene upanishad alli,brahmana PRAKRUTHIKA gunavannu heluvaaga NETI-NETI antha edhe ,adhara artha edalla,edalla anta....edara adaradalli naavu brahmanannu NIRGUNA antha heltheve aste........
e mayeyannu artha madikollikke sadhyave ella antha adi shankararu helthare,maye-brahmana naduvina sambhanda enu annuva prashne yannu MANDNA MISRA kelidha prashne,adakke uttara adi shankararu koduthare.....SWAPNA MAYA KAPLITHAM EDAM DVAITAHM ANTA.......e maye kanasinanthe mithyavaadadu anta....
ReplyDeletesaccidaanada nu nirgunane,adhare maye avana adinadallidhe....e mayeyannu ava hege control madthane? adu avanidha hege sadhya antha yara kaiedha hellikke sadhyave ella.....
adhare sacchiddanandada anubhavadida namage moksha saadhya antha aste helthare
pradeep kashyap,
ReplyDeletekrishna is not different from us,krishna is same as us paripuna jgna(sacchidaanada).....
nimma kade prashne,bhagavanta yaake srushti-samhara aadi kriye galanna madthiddane antha.....
adakke uttara adu bhaghavanthana LILE (LILA) aste.......
PAASANE ya mulaka madutheve
ReplyDeleteHow can you pray him when you do not even know him.( I mean”not knowing anything of him”)
At the ultimate level,when u get the knowledge of SACCIDAANADA,there will be no agnana or maya......
so,maya is avrchaneeya......
You are insisting on the same arguments over and over. My question is how can you get the knowledge of saccidaanada, when you have no means to perceive it.You state that saccidaanada is an attribute which is different than prakrutika. How can you perceive something for which you do not have any means to. If one does not have eyes he cannot see,if one doesn’t have ears he cannot hear. Same way if one does not have any mean to perceive saccidaanada how can you expect one to get it.
brahmana PRAKRUTHIKA gunavannu heluvaaga NETI-NETI antha edhe ,adhara artha edalla,edalla anta....edara adaradalli naavu brahmanannu NIRGUNA antha heltheve aste
As per advaita or to be specific as per you, brahman has attributes which are not prakrutika. How can you expect attributes which are greater than prakrutika ,when he is unable to possess prakrutika attributes. Can you assign any reason for why brahman does not have any prakrutika attributes.Neti neti doesn’t delude brahman of his qualities, it means that brahman has far more greater qualities In addition to prakrutika qualities.
e mayeyannu artha madikollikke sadhyave ella antha adi shankararu helthare
You say that we cannot understand the relation between maya and brahman.Consider this situation where Your atman is brahman and the body you have is maya,is this not the relationship between maya and brahman, I can see it ,and I can express it, but you say that it is anirvachya.I can easily explain the relation between energy and mass , which is a part of maya.How can this be impossible
e mayeyannu ava hege control madthane? adu avanidha hege sadhya antha yara kaiedha hellikke sadhyave ella.....
You know the basic nature of maya as anirvachya,and you also know that this world is unreal,and that it is the product of maya. When your advaita teaches these many things why didn’t it teach the relation between maya and brahman.
Please go through all the arguments argued by me in my previous posts, you have not answered all the questions, you just keep insisting on the same question again and again.
If you regard krishna as saguna brahman, why don’t you regard us as saguna brahman also. We also possess attributes(not infinte), but still we can be considered as saguna brahman.A subject which is dragged to frequent arguments cannot be attributtless.Why has maya given krishna the infinite attributes and why does it make us suffer from kama, krodha ,lobha,moha,mada,matsara.Is it playing the game of politics , where the majority wins by corruption.If krishna has realized the sacchidaananda then he must be nirguna brahman, the fact that he is saguna tells us that he has not yet realized that he is nirguna brahman. How can you consider learning from an ignorant. Here krishna must be ignorant,because he has attributes, maya must affect him the same way as it affects us.You cannot postulate him as the realized nirguna brahman. Please consider an illustration. Imagine yourself to be the realized nirguna brahman.Advaita says that maya attacks nirguna brahman,and makes him forget himself, now if you acquire the knowledge of nirgunattva ,what is the gaurantee that maya will not attack nirguna brahman (U) again, and make him(U) forget his( your) identity .
Brahman is not a fool to forget his own identity. BRAHMAN FORGETS HIS TRUE IDENTITY AND REGAINS HIS IDENTITY BY THE CAUSE WHICH HAS MADE HIM TO FORGET HIMSELF.Brahman forgets his identity when maya attacks him, and again he regains his identity from studying maya. ISN'T THIS REDICULOUS.
bhutharajare,pls nimma prashnegalannu ondonu points hage baredu kalisi,aga nanage ondondu prashegu uttara kodalikke sulabha aguthade....pls edu nanna request,no matter how tough it is I will answer it.....pls cooperate ,if u are jgnanabhilaashi...
ReplyDeletenimma kelavu prshnege nanna uttara,
1) How can you pray him when you do not even know him.( I mean”not knowing anything of him”)
Brahma nirgunane,adhre avana adhinadalli maye yembha ondu SHKTI edhe...adhu UTIMATE RELITY ALLI SULLU, mayege olapattaga maatra sathya aste....
brahma nirgunane,adhare avana adhinadalliruva maye yannu yeradu bhagavagi maadihane 1)maya 2)avidhya
e maye ondige kaanisikolluvavane hari,rudra,durga etc....
avidhye ondige kaanisikolluvavane jivaru....
e gunagalu yavudu sathyavalla.....
1)ega nanage nivu krishnana(hariya) hattu sugunagalannu tilisi noduva
2)adhe rithi nimma mulaguru madhvaacharya(vayu ) devara(jivara) hattu beda 3 sugunagalannu tilisi noduva
3) adhe rithi nimma kelavu SUGUNAGALANNU tilisi noduva...
amele nimma yella prashnegu uttara koduthene
If it is convinient for you to provide your email address, i shall be glad to continue our debate through email's. I think the blog is inconsistent to exchange our views. What do you say?
ReplyDeleteIf yes then i shall write your arguments and counter arguments through email.
Thank you.
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletebhutharajare ,
ReplyDeletemy email address is vathsa08@gmail.com....
but ,first you have to tell,krishna's,madhvacharyas and yours atleast 10 SUGUNAS first....pls,it is my request....
butharajare ,it is vathsa(Zero)(Eight)@gmail.com ,not vathsa(o)(eight)@gmail.com .....pls co-operate....
ReplyDeletePlease be specific, i find it difficult to conceive your id. Please copy the original email id and paste it. Does you email id include brackets(),and is it numbers i.e (zero or 0,eight or (8)) please be accurate. Thank you for your
ReplyDeleteco-operation and understanding.
Thank you.
Deleteit is vathsa08@gmail.com
Hey Srivathsa Rao,
ReplyDeleteTell me one fellow in Advaita who has reached the level of Raghavendra Swamy, Vyasarajaru, Vadirajaru and very importantly Jayatheertharu. Vidyaranya was not only defeated by Akshobhya Theertha but also Jayatheertharu.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Vidyaranya has no other works to do? Akshobhya teerha, jayateerth& madhava teerthar etc. defeated Vidyaranya..sheer non-sence..U dont have any proof regarding all these.
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ReplyDeleteHi All,
ReplyDeleteI respect Advaita philosophers of Tamilnadu as there contribution to music , srividya and language is incomparable but still madwa saints like vijayendra theertha lived with them friendly and constantly arises the question on advitha. there is no point of arguing who won whom. it is about searching about the truth. vidayaranya's defeat does not mean advitha is false , it is not the defeat of shankacharya who initiates advitha right? . dont u thing why not Madwa,Shankara and Ramanuja who are the great acharayas not lived at same time ? so that they can argue and quarrel and finally said this is the truth. This all about some training given by god at different time as the time needs . there is no point of fighting .
Hi All,
ReplyDeleteI respect Advaita philosophers of Tamilnadu as there contribution to music , srividya and language is incomparable but still madwa saints like vijayendra theertha lived with them friendly and constantly arises the question on advitha. there is no point of arguing who won whom. it is about searching about the truth. vidayaranya's defeat does not mean advitha is false , it is not the defeat of shankacharya who initiates advitha right? . dont u thing why not Madwa,Shankara and Ramanuja who are the great acharayas not lived at same time ? so that they can argue and quarrel and finally said this is the truth. This all about some training given by god at different time as the time needs . there is no point of fighting .
Hi all ,
ReplyDeleteI do not know who defeated whom but Vijayanagar kingdom retread the madwha yethi sri vyasaraya as a kula kuru during the times of krishnadeva period , so there is some useful arguments and thoughts are there in dualistic philosophy also. we need to study that and criticize.
Shri Vyasarayaru was kulaguru of Vijayanagar during the period of Ramaraya(Son-in-law of Krishnadeva raya). Soon after that vijayanagar collapsed like anything in the battle of Talikote.
ReplyDeleteFirst adwaitha proves shrusti rahasya & how each jeeva is different to each other.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all philosophy of Sri.madhwachrya is originally known as TATWA philosophy.
If listen or read through madhwa philosophy, you get answer for each & every questions you have in your life.
Only knowledgeable people whi practice Vedanta can tell truth and not others like us who refer some documents written in history by Tom d and h.
ReplyDeleteFurther, when we read some documents,like VAYU STUTI and many such books, I wonder today, about authors, for their knowledge level they claim and enmity they exhibit.
So, let us be truthful to ourselves and live unitedly in the society, which is badly required than anything else.