Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to Nachiketha's Blog

Namaste !

Welcome to my blog on Adwaitha. There are multiple blogs / email groups on this particular topic over WWW and many experts have been posting their opinions.

I am a beginner in learning Vedantha and I will keep posting my views and ideas on this topic when ever I get some free time. All the readers must note that what ever is posted in this blog, is solely my personal view and do not intend to hurt any. More over, my intension is not to create any controversy. I don't claim myself as an expert and may commit some mistakes now and then !

My posts will be concentrated on following:

- Adi Shankaracharya - Sringeri - Tradition
- Adwaitha
- Chora Prasangam (Bhagavatham)
- Stree Prasangam (Ramayanam)
- Juda Prasangam (Maha Bharatham - Only Selected Topics)
- Upanishads (Katha, Kena and few Sanyasa Upanishads)

Thanks & I Hope Sringeri Jagadguru Showers infinite Blessings on me and all readers of this Blog !


  1. thanks heaps for such a noble explanation on swamy Vidyaranya yathi of Sringeri peetham..also special thanks for clarifying the framed cockbull stories of madhwa sampradaya people claiming they defeated forces me to remember one thing...if you cant win..or convince, just confuse...that is what so called madhwa followers are doing...
    any how, it is just a noble article, has all elligibility for good circulation..

  2. Your esteemed Blog.......Visited by me on the 6th of June 2014. I am from Kozhikode, Kerala . I cherish Bharatiya Darsana and the Great Sanathana Dharma.. Like you, I am deeply interested in Mahabharata, Ramayana and the Bhagavatam. I'm a Writer and I write on Psychology and Parapsychology(that branch of science that makes experiments ,scientifically. In our puranas and vedas there are plenty of descriptions about Psychic phenomenon and mental phenomenon. viz Spiritual healing, Vichara Vinimaya(telepathy) Agochara Darsana (clairvoyance) and so on.....Kindly make me available a list of like phenomena and its reference/occasions etc . many such muhurtas , it is interesting to note, are often due to the great Mind Power of Man!!!!

  3. My name is krishna , its really surprising that this blog has attracted MR Parameswaran pengad, am really happy to see that at-least someone of all is interested in our ancients and their powers.I would love to more on this regard as i myself am an admirer of such things.Please, provide me with more information on this regard.I am also much of a researcher,my interests also point in the same direction as yours mr Parameswarn.I would love to learn things from you.

    Anxiously waiting for your much anticipated reply.

    Thank you.

  4. I have published another MÀLAYALAM book on Psychology, released recently Parameswaran Pengad 9995994707 5-11-23

  5. In kadopanishat, it is mind blowig, facinating, thought provokin dialog of Sri. Nachikedass about Deaths and reincarnation. Congradulations!!My recently published book on PARAPSYCHOLOGYGY discusses such sunjects like Near death experience, reincarnations and such subjects The books name മനസ്സിന്റെ നിഗൂഢ താഴ്‌വരകൾ ✍️( The Mysterious Vallies of Mind) is now available. Contact number 9995994707.

  6. Now I have written, edited and published another BOOK on PARAPSYCHOLOGY. The name of the book is" മനസ്സിന്റെ നിഗൂഡ താഴ്‌വരകൾ "(The Mysterious Vallies of Mind) The book discusses Telepathy, Extra Sensory Perception, Near Desth Experience, Reincarnation, Plascibo phenomenon, Reiky etc. The book is available at present.
